DSC Case Management provides a full range of services to children and adults with developmental disabilities including advocacy, referral linkage, crisis intervention. Each individual is assigned a Case Coordinator/QIDP (Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional) who facilitates planning, and implementation of an individual's desired outcomes. As the single point-of-contact for each individual, the Case Management is responsible for coordinating the interplay of agency and community service providers.
Case Management and Family Support Services include, but are not limited to:
* Intake Screening
* Single Point-of-Contact for those receiving DSC services
* Information and Referral Services
* Coordination of Services and Supports
* Individualized Service Plan Development
* Treatment Monitoring and Follow-Up
* Sustaining Support
* Crisis Intervention
* Service Linkage
* Advocacy
* Needs Assessment
* Self Direction Assistance
For more information about Case Management & Family Support Services, please contact Lori Wachtel at lwachtel@dsc-illinois.org or (217) 356-9176.