The arrival of November ushers in the Season of Giving for many organizations, including DSC. It signifies a distinctive time of generosity, unique to other seasons of the year. While we all love gifts during the holiday season, it is especially about the spirit of giving.
As we give, our hearts are filled with abundance, charity, and a true sense of the meaning of the holiday season. In return, as we participate in acts of giving, volunteerism, and kindness during the Season of Giving, we join together in love, humility, and compassion.
One way you can participate in the Season of Giving, is through the DSC Holiday Wish List. The DSC Holiday Wish List invites donors to purchase gifts for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our Residential programs who would not otherwise receive gifts during the holiday season. A link to the Holiday Wish List is published on our website and social media channels each November. Donors who wish to purchase gifts, may return their unwrapped gifts to DSC by Monday, December 13th. Gifts will be sorted and wrapped by a team of volunteers from Farm Credit Illinois. This will be the 13th year employees from Farm Credit Illinois have volunteered to be a part of the DSC Holiday Wish List. Once wrapped, the gifts will then be distributed to DSC homes in time to be opened on the holidays!
“Individuals receiving gifts through the Holiday Wish List greatly appreciate the kindness of those that donate. These individuals light up when they see special gifts for them under the tree! Everyone should have the opportunity to feel cared for during the holiday season,” said Sarah Perry, DSC Director of Residential Programs.
If you would like to participate in DSC’s 2021 Holiday Wish List, you can view wishes here:
Stay tuned for more opportunities to participate in DSC’s Season of Giving throughout the months of November and December.